After spending some time in Florence and among the streets and cafés of Cagli, the most challenging thing for me has been the language differences. Not learning the language so much as being brave enough to use it – to drop my self-consciousness about it. I am always so nervous that I will offend whomever I’m trying to communicate with and I just want to get it right. There’s also the fear that after I ask for what I want, they will ask me a question in return and I won’t understand and we will both be standing there just staring at each other. Here’s a sample of the dialogue inside my head:
“Be brave Janet. Just say it. Okay good. That was good….don’t ask me a question…don’t ask me a question….don’t ask me a question….”
Having said that, the vast majority of Italians have been beautifully patient. Especially in Cagli. When they see me making the effort to communicate using Italian, then they are completely willing to wait for me to get the words out. It’s like you can sense them secretly rooting for you. I’m learning to be brave in each situation where I’m uncomfortable. I imagine this can only be good for me!
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