Wednesday, July 9, 2014


by Rosa Alvarado 
Days is Cagli have been busy and exhausting. The lack of sleep and stress worrying about deadlines on the project is seen on some of us. The piazza seem lonely after the grill festival, everything seems to be normal here. The regular men sit all along the side of the church, some outside of Café D’Italia looking calm and peaceful. Cars driving around the piazza and often you can see close calls when cars make a turn around the piazza, one lady backed into a motorcycle.

People here are concern about their quality of life, they work to live versus us in the U.S. we live to work. Once thing confuses me, Italians try to eat as healthy as possible, yet; I see so many people smoking one cigarette after another. People smoke in public places not considering those around them who inhale that second-hand smoke. Washington State prohibits people to smoke in public places including parks and recreation. Smokers must be twenty-five feet away from any business entrance to avoid second-hand smoke.

One of many things I have learned during my stay in Cagli. People are warm, friendly, and respectful. The streets are clean because the sweeper cleans the city everyday early in the morning. I have tried speaking their language, and they try to speak mine to communicate, but I think sign and body language has come in handy for me. I have come to love and enjoy this city of Cagli, their culture is no longer foreign to me.

I made a trip to Venice on my two-day break. I can say that after transferring from one bus to another (three times) and exchanging trains (once) to make it to and from Venice, I consider it worth my time and effort. I met people who live just a few blocks from where I used to live back in Los Angeles. I met a wonderful family whom I shared dinner. The gondola tour, architecture, history, taxi and public boat transportation was a great experience.

Classes are beginning to come to an end, and my stomach is tight from thinking if I am going to make it or not. About an hour ago, I finally was able to take more pictures for my project. I have spent the last three days worrying, 1) because I was away on my two free days, 2) the store does not open on Sunday, 3) the store opened Monday late afternoon, but one of the ladies was not there. To be continued,

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